4.12 Los Quehaceres y La Casa Unit Test Study Guide

After studying about quehaceres ('household chores') (Canvas Module 3), rooms in a house (Canvas Module 4) and 'chores' associated with specific rooms; you will have a unit test to assess your mastery.

Following is the format of the test:

Section 1:  'ODD ONE OUT'  (6 points...2 per sentence)

                    Indicate which chore would NOT LOGICALLY be done in specific rooms.


                     La sala:    quitar el polvo     pasar la aspiradora     lavar la ropa


Section 2:  READING/VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION  (12 points...2 per sentence)

                      There are six pictures showing different chores that a person does frequently at home.

                     There are six sentences in Spanish describing a chore.  You will match the sentence to the picture.


Section 3:  LISTENING COMPREHENSION  (12 points...2 per picture)

                   Listen as 'Maria' tells what chores everyone in her family does.  You will choose a picture that matches what 'Maria says' everyone

                    is doing.


Section 4:  WRITING PROFICIENCY  (15 points...5 per sentence)

                    You are to write 3 sentences in Spanish about 'chores' you are responsible for doing in your house.  (If you don't personally have to

                     do any 'chores', make it up....saying you don't have chores is not acceptable and will greatly reduce your grade on this section!)

                     You are also to mention what room you do the chore in.

                     EXAMPLE (in English...yours is to be in Spanish):

                     I wash dishes in the kitchen.

                     I vacuum in the living room.

                     I mop the floor in the bathroom.